The Secrets of Time Management from the Masters

Time management and work/activity management are inseparable.

  1. Know Yourself:
    Know how much optimum time you’ll take to do something.
    Find at what time of the day you are more productive and unproductive.
    Accept works accordingly as far as possible. Avoid works you cannot finish on time.
  2. Have a personal feeling of abundance of time( to avoid unnecessary hurry).
    Time enjoyed is time managed (and vise versa).
    Do not overuse Parkinson’s law; use it to your advantage.
  3. Be totally involved in the here and now.
  4. Understand and use the principle of synergy at work
  5. Apply the REST technique: Rest before you are exhausted
  6. Be an early bird - wake up early and sleep early
  7. Start your day with lovely, beautiful, happy, positive, energetic thoughts, attitudes, deeds etc. and meditation.
  8. Start with the end in mind;
  9. Self competence and competence through the 3Cs (Cooperation, Collaboration, Coordination) (The Win-Win Approach)
  10. Follow good working habits.
    Never pile up your work. Prioritize your work.
    As far possible, arrange difficult works in your productive hours

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‘The Secrets From the Masters’ Series™

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