The Secrets of Success from the Masters

  • Know yourself. Know your solutions, Know your customers.
    This is very important. Things that start from within are more effective because they have deep seated roots in yourself and so it can have wings to fly higher than the highest.
    The solution you yourself is not sure of, will not work wonders for you or your customer(s). As far as possible, have first hand experience in your solutions.
  • Be yourself. Never imitate. Whenever you receive ideas & insights of others, follow them only if you can integrate them to your own system. Always acknowledge the Knowledge or any help others have given you.
  • Offer a solution (=product or service) that you love to share with others. Let it be unique and original if possible. You should love it, know it and feel privileged to share it with others. Develop an effective strategy, a good and effective team a panel of experts/consultant to whom you can depend when in need.
  • Never focus on success, focus on the solution that you have to offer.
    (Success is effective and long lasting only when it comes naturally as a bye-product of the solution you offer)
  • Never focus on results, focus on the activity and do it without thinking of anything else.
    (Results are the natural outcomes/bye-products of the action(s) done.)
  • Never focus on yourself, focus on the other person – your customer.
    Since a solution is to fulfill the need/want of a range of customers, it’s absolutely necessary to focus on their needs/wants, likes/dislikes. Your needs can only be satisfied when you satisfy someone else’s needs/wants. The most natural way of satisfying your need/want is to have it satisfied as an outcome of you satisfying someone else’s needs/wants.
    From design to development, implementation to maintenance & servicing this should be followed without fail. This can be followed to in your relationships also.
  • Cooperate, collaborate, coordinate even with your competition. Never try to destroy others-the very same thought will not only destroy you internally but also turn negative and reinforce others to act against you. So, be friendly, be kind, be approachable, be considerate & helping. Permeate your love and kindness and other positive attitudes ( and never your hate, contempt, superiority, anger and all that negative sort of nonsense). Follow a win-win approach.
  • Improve yourself in all the dimensions possible and do this continuously.
  • Follow an inward-out approach. Start from yourself and move in an aligned way towards your success.
  • Be ready to give and give back for what you have received. Give back to your family, friends, relatives, company, peers, society, the environment, the mankind and all other beings because they have helped directly or indirectly for your existence.
  • Be open and receptive to people, technology, knowledge.
  • Behave to others as you want others to behave to you.
  • Know that your success becomes a real success only when it is shared.

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 The ultimate secret of success is to act naturally without even thinking of success.

The Secrets From the Masters’ Series